Monday, February 15, 2016


It's never to late to write a note of appreciation or love letter to someone special. 

Lucy gave Snoopy great writing advice, "You have to be more specific." Click on my "Tips" tab for examples on writing detail. I love Snoopy. He makes me laugh. 

WRITING A LOVE LETTER--I was challenged this past week to write 2 love letters, one to someone special (I chose my Hubby) and one to myself which I wrote in my journal. It made me think, "What do I appreciate about me?" Getting a note from me was very nice:)

The love letter challenge came from this great blog called I love the concept. A buoy is to keep something or someone afloat, to cause to be cheerful or confident. My friend created this blog with the goal to help others create joy in their lives. 

JOURNAL PROMPT: Accept the Love letter challenge or another challenge and write about it.

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