Monday, February 22, 2016


A few months ago, I had a nineteen year old girl tell me, "I don't keep a journal anymore because when I reread it I don't like what I read. It embarrasses me. Now if I could just write poetry, I would like my journal."

"Why not?" I responded. "A journal full of poetry would be beautiful."

A journal is your personal record and should reflect you, your life, your growth. I hope we can look at our youthful journal entries and not be embarrassed by them, but instead see growth. Your journal is your book and you get to write it how you want. You are your own editor/publisher. Feel free to write poetry if you want! I think that would be awesome! If you are an artist, draw or doodle all over the page. If you aren't an artist, but want to draw or doodle, please do so

JOURNAL PROMPT: Write a poem about your day or draw a picture.

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