Sunday, January 24, 2016


“Life is complicated, and so is the human brain. Our thoughts can become as jumbled as people in crowded metropolitan subway car. It’s often difficult to make sense of them all. This is precisely why Expressive Writing is so good for our brains.”  ~ John Haltiwanger

There are many studies that show writing has both physical and mental health benefits. When we place our thoughts and feelings in writing, they become much clearer. We are able to remember important details and develop a clearer perspective from our life experiences. Writing is therapeutic and helps to lower stress levels. It's best to grab a pen and paper which increase our creativity.The digital world is amazing, but doesn't offer the same benefits of ink and paper. There is power in writing our story and through the process we will discover happiness in the difficulties of life. Life doesn't have to feel complicated. Write for clarity and happiness.

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