Sunday, January 31, 2016

An imagination is great for writing, but not so great in the middle of the night.

During the early morning hours, I heard the screen door open, and then click shut. My once sleepy eyes popped wide open. I stared through the open doorway of my bedroom fearing to see a human silhouette. I mentally prepared myself to roll off the bed and onto the floor. My mind grasped for ideas of possible weapons to save my family. The only items by my bed were journal, scriptures, and cell phone. Not much of a weapon choice. I was afraid if I woke my husband his startled reaction would make him an easy target for the intruder. My mind shifted to yesterday afternoon. When the sun hit our front window, we noticed someone had waxed our house number on the glass. Now in the dark I wondered if that had anything to do with the noise I just heard. Had our house been marked? Who would mark us? Why were we targeted?

It was a few long moments before I realized no one was coming in and that the noise was just the screen not the back door. I pieced together a less hysterical scenario. The screen door was probably slightly ajar and our Jasper cat might have slipped his orange paws behind the door pulling it out enough to have it pull back and slam shut. He'd done that before during the day. I smiled and closed my eyes. Reasoning it was just our cat allowed me to relax. I also remembered that Mr. Cat wouldn't be able to wake us with his early am attention tactic, a climb up the lattice and pounce to our window screen. The lattice was gone as my husband had removed it yesterday afternoon. A few hours after the screen door scenario, I found out I was wrong about Mr Jasper Cat not being able to make the climb to our window screen. Instead of the lattice, he climbed the stucco wall. It's much to early to wake up at 4:45 am on a Sunday Morning.

Journal Prompt: Write about a time when your were afraid or when your imagination ran wild.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

~.......Is the Direction of Your Life by Choice or by Chance?......~

You'll probably see me say this more than once. I believe there is magic in the way one thinks. Not in the Harry Potter sort of magic. But in the sense that our thoughts direct us in our life. Plant a seed, sow a thought, sow a thought, grow a habit, grow a habit, reap a character. Who do you believe yourself to be?

Journal Prompt: Write down what you think. Ponder the quote. Do you agree or disagree? Write down your thoughts and be sure to explain "WHY" you think and feel the way you do.

Sunday, January 24, 2016


“Life is complicated, and so is the human brain. Our thoughts can become as jumbled as people in crowded metropolitan subway car. It’s often difficult to make sense of them all. This is precisely why Expressive Writing is so good for our brains.”  ~ John Haltiwanger

There are many studies that show writing has both physical and mental health benefits. When we place our thoughts and feelings in writing, they become much clearer. We are able to remember important details and develop a clearer perspective from our life experiences. Writing is therapeutic and helps to lower stress levels. It's best to grab a pen and paper which increase our creativity.The digital world is amazing, but doesn't offer the same benefits of ink and paper. There is power in writing our story and through the process we will discover happiness in the difficulties of life. Life doesn't have to feel complicated. Write for clarity and happiness.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


A powerful tool with writing is recording dialogue. Have you ever just placed yourself in a spot and listened to the conversation spoken around you? What would your thoughts be if you overheard this interchange?

“Hey Mattie, your monkey is in the office.”

“Oh…Okay? I thought I left it in the girl’s bathroom? Thanks Justin.”

Had I not known the background and simply overheard that conversation, this is the picture I would have created in my mind…I would have been so curious.

Even in journal entries, using dialogue makes what you say more powerful. It reveals character and personality, real people have conversations. Dialogue adds versatility and can emphasize a point with minimal words. Dialogue is a great method for getting information across in a bite-sized way. It can express who you are and what you feel more effectively than a long monotonous paragraph.

Here is how I would write the monkey journal entry:

I was standing at the drinking fountain filling my water bottle when Justin walks up.

“Hey Mattie, your monkey is in the office.”

“Oh…Okay? I thought I left it in the girl’s bathroom?” Did I really just say that out loud! “Thanks Justin.” I hurried to the office and retrieved my monkey. It didn’t matter so much where I left my monkey, I was just happy to have my lunchbox back.

Journal prompt: Record a conversation, between yourself & others or a conversation overheard.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TO BE OR NOT TO BE * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Life doesn't just happen and we don't just succeed. People who succeed have goals; they know where they are going. How can we know where we are going if we haven't taken time to discover ~ Who we are or What we want? Meditate and think about what YOU want to "Become," your dream. 

Journal Prompt: Open your journal and start writing, thinking, feeling. What is the first step you will take to achieve your goal? 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


As you continue to write, your thoughts will become much more than just words down on paper. So don’t quit, pull out your pen and paper and forge ahead.

Quote from: The Book Thief  (A powerful story that made me cry. Markus Zusak is an amazing writer.)