
A Little Birdie Told Me

  1. Truth telling:  All good writers speak in honest voices and tell the truth 
    • EXAMPLE—Little boy writes “I’d like to be a car. You get to go all over and get to go through mud puddles without getting yelled at…that’s what I’d like to be.” (Even though the grammar isn't perfect, there is power in these words because of the honest voice.)
    • VERSUS—Adult writes, “The true automobile is a mechanism fascinating to everyone in all its diverse manifestations and in every conceivable kind of situation or circumstances." (There are a lot of fancy words in that statement which does NOT make me feel or believe automobiles are fascinating to everyone.)
  2. Details: Add specifics to your statement
    • Don't just write--"Gas is expensive. "Write the price--“I thought gas was expensive last year when I paid $2.43, now I’m paying $4.15." 
    • Don't just write, "It's super hot today." Tell us the details that validate your statement. "The 110 degree temp wilted my tomato plants, dried my lawn, and the family dog is a permanent fixture in front of the AC.
  3. Emotions:  Giving the reason behind the emotion authenticates the feeling
    • Don’t just write--"I miss my dad.” Tell WHY--"If my dad were still here, I probably would have had this motor fixed yesterday. He could fix anything on a car, but motors were his specialty. I really miss my dad." 
    • Don't just write “I am frustrated,” Tell WHY--"It doesn't look like I'm going to make it tonight. My kids decided to open a bag of brown sugar and hide in the closet with tea set, plates and spoons and ate it...They've been in time out for a while and not one of them can answer why they're there!" 
  4. Use All Your Senses:  Notice the various sights, sounds, and textures
    • EXAMPLE--“The police officer had me take him to the servants quarters. The few furnishings in the room consisted of a bed, dresser, and lamp. It was dirty and smelled foul, more like a stable then a house.  I slipped my hand up over my nose.  The dresser drawers were empty except for a few slices of moldy bread.  The blanket and overalls, which the gardener refused for money, lay on the floor.  This was the first time I had been in the room."
  5. Build Your Writing Muscle: Set aside a regular time to write. 
    • You have a writing muscle and it needs exercise to perform well. Don’t worry about getting it perfect, just focus on writing your thoughts down on paper.
  6. YOU ARE AMAZING! Write your story in your voice to express, not impress.

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